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Welcome to the Smt. Rewaben Manoharbhai Patel Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya Bhandara College Library. We try to satisfy information needs of library users at the maximum level. We are giving technology based facilities and services such as Internet facility.

Library at a Glance

No. Days Timing
01 Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
02 Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Prof. Varsha M. Meshram

Experience : 10+ Years Research Skills : Library MLISC.SET. Mobile Number : 8862011984

No. Name Details
01 Dr. Ranjana Shringarpure (Principal) Chairman Library Committee
02 Prof. V. M. Meshram (Librarian) Coordinator Library Committee
03 Dr. C. B. Sharma (English) Library Committee Member
04 Prof. K. G. Pakhmode (Marathi) Library Committee Member
05 Dr. M. N. Vyas (Hindi) Library Committee Member
06 Dr. S. S. Nakhate (Economics) Library Committee Member
07 Dr. G. W. Dhote (History) Library Committee Member
08 Dr. K. U. Ishwarkar (Geography) Library Committee Member
09 Dr. R. M. Bhore (Music) Library Committee Member
10 Prof. N. P. Borkar (Physical Education) Library Committee Member
11 Dr. S. D. Vegad (Music) Library Committee Member
  • Take your Identity Card whenever you visit the library.
  • Kindly switch off the mobile phone while you visit the library.
  • If the books and textbooks taken from the library are not returned within 8 days, then every book will be penalized by Rs 5 per day and the books will be stopped for such students.
  • If the book is delayed, it will increase the penalties, and always avoid to return the books, and tear of the leaves of the book, stop issueing books for a short time or permanently.
  • If the library book is lost, then the information should be given to the librarian immediately. Since this information was given, the period of two weeks will be given to recover the new book. There will be no penalties if the book is available in this period. Otherwise double price will be charged of the book. If a missing book is rare or special, it can be more penalized.
  • In Reference section’s book, which is written on the Reference Book or Not to be taken away, it will not be permit to away from the library. They have to read in library and back it.
  • Students are prohibited to writing remarks or writing anything on the library books. If so, appropriate action will be taken.
  • Library books have to be returned before taking admission card of their examination. Students should take note of this and keep notes of essentials beforehand.
Sr. No. Particulars Count
01 Total Books 9956
02 News Paper Collection 09
03 Journal List 05
04 Newspaper List 09